Jamie Wansey

As one of the original founders of Student Horizons and more recently the Foundation of Student Horizons, Jamie is passionate and committed to our work. Jamie holds the role of Secretary on the board.

Jamie’s enthusiasm for organising international trips for school students stems from the benefits that he himself accrued travelling and living all over the world. It is Jamie’s positive travel experiences that have fuelled his passion for promoting overseas educational travel trips as a critical pillar in a young person’s development.

Jamie believes that travel can change the world. He is well placed to support the Foundation of Student Horizons as it grows in reach and social impact.

Andrew Graham

Andrew is a long serving senior member of the Student Horizons family and a founding Board member of the Foundation of Student Horizons. Andrew is the Treasurer of the Foundation, a role that of course aligns with his skill set and experience, holding the role of General Manager of Finance and Data at Student Horizons.

Brooke Wansey

As one of the original founders of Student Horizons and more recently the Foundation of Student Horizons, Brooke is well placed to support the Foundation. Brooke is a staunch advocate for youth travel and even more passionate about providing opportunities to those young people that otherwise would never have dreamt of realising their dreams through travel.

Brooke believes that raising aspirations of disadvantaged youth through overseas travel is important work for marginalised individuals and also for wider society.

Jonathan Mamaril

Jonathan Mamaril is a Director and lawyer of NB Lawyers, lawyers for employers and for over a decade he has advised a number of Employers around the issues of legal risk and liability especially around industrial relations, human resources, people management and commercial matters.

Jonathan brings to the Board years of identifying, evaluating and mitigating risks as an advisor to a number of boards and has prior experience sitting on not for profit boards. With a genuine passion and advocate for education and travel, Jonathan looks forward to bringing business experience and legal expertise to the Foundation to help as many students as possible.

Jay Ramanah

Jay Ramanah is a Physicist with a passion for STEM education. He has spent the last 15 years of his career in the Education field working with schools as well as businesses in enhancing human capability. As a young student, hailing from Mauritius, Jay was given the opportunity to travel to Kenya and participate in the Model United Nations conference. This has marked Jay for life in terms of creating a growth mindset as well as an entrepreneurial attitude, making him am true global citizen.

As a board member of the Foundation of Student Horizons, Jay is excited about the idea of giving opportunities to students who would not be able to achieve their travelling dreams whilst at school due to unfavourable life circumstances.


Leaving no one behind – Give the gift of affording disadvantaged youth the opportunity to travel the world.

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